Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Koalas, directed by Josh Sobel, 16th Street Theater
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Six Stories Up In Climate Change, directed by Tekki Lomnicki, Tellin' Tales Theatre
Music Consultant, We're Only Alive For A Short Amount Of Time, directed by Robert Falls, Goodman Theatre
Music Consultant, Father Comes Home From The Wars Parts 1, 2, & 3, directed by Niegel Smith, Goodman Theatre
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Bunny Bunny: Gilda Radner A Sort Of Love Story, directed by Warner Crocker, Mercury Theater
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Vacationing In The Moral High Ground, directed by Megan Shuchman, Lifeline Theater
Composer, Lyricist, Music Director, Musician, Out Of The Blu, directed by Jess McLeod, Lyric Opera Of Chicago
Composer, Lyricist, Music Director, Musician, Off Our Rockers, directed by Jess McLeod, Lyric Opera Of Chicago
Composer, Music Director, Musician, We Get Free, directed by Jess McLeod, Lyric Opera Of Chicago
Musician (sub), Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical, directed by Brenda Didier, Mercury Theater
Musician (sub), Bridges Of Madison County, directed by Nick Bowling, Marriott Theatre
Musician (sub), Priscilla: Queen Of The Desert, directed by David Zak & Derek Van Barham, Pride Films & Plays
Musician, Spring Awakening, directed by Craig Rosen, Moraine Valley Community College
Composer, Music Director, Musician, I Know A Place, directed by Tyler Greene, Lifeline Theater
Musician (sub), The Christmas Schooner, directed by L. Walter Stearns, Mercury Theater
Music Director, Kumovi, directed by Jess McLeod, Lyric Opera Of Chicago
Musician, Bare, directed by Janet Louer, Another Door Theatre Project
Musician, The Addams Family, directed by Nicky Pery & Paula Taylor, Stage Door FIne Arts
Musician, In The Heights, directed by Jason Sperling, ChiArts
Musician (sub), The Little Mermaid, directed by Dante Orfei, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Musician (sub), Waking Lazurus, directed by Leonicia Bongorno, Past Is Prologue Theater
Music Director, The Matchmaker, directed by Henry Wishcamper, Goodman Theater
Music Director, Musician, Sarita (reading), directed by Tlaloc Rivas, Goodman Theater
Music Director, Orchestrator, Musician, Another Word For Beauty, directed by Steve Cossan, Goodman Theater
Music Director, Orchestrator, Big Band Legends, directed by Steve Calzaretta, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Musician, Reefer Madness, directed by Craig Rosen, Moraine Valley Community College
Musician (sub), Trirassic Parq, directed by Nicholas Reinhart & Tommy Bullington, Circle Theatre
Music Director, Conductor, Miss Saigon, directed by Dante Orfei, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Musician (sub), Big Fish, directed by William Pullinisi, Theater At The Center
Musician, Return To The Forbidden Planet, directed by Dante Orfei, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Musician, Wonderful Town, directed by Varris Holmes, Bailiwick
Musician (sub), Getting Down With The Joneses, directed by Michael Kott, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Musician (sub), The Christmas Schooner, directed by L. Walter Stearns, Mercury Theater
Musician, Big Fish, directed by Dante Orfei, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Composer, Lyricist, Recorded Musician, Burn The Black Dog, directed by Mary Patchell & Nathan Robbel, Wayward Productions
Musician, Caged Dames, directed by A.J. Wright, Hell In A Handbag
Music Director, Charles Ives, Take Me Home, directed by Keira Fromm, Strawdog Theatre
Musician, Beauty & The Beast, directed by Brian Rotreki, Morton East High School
Musician, Evita, directed by Dante Orfei & Christopher Pazdernik, Jedlicka Performing Arts Center
Composer, Music Director, Miss Marx, directed by Megan Shuchman, Strawdog Theatre
Music Director, Orchestrator, Musician, Another Word For Beauty (reading), directed by Steve Cossan, Goodman Theater
Orchestrator, Recorded Musician, Holidaze, directed by Adrianne Cury, Tara Branham, Daniel Bryant, Laura Hooper, & Vincent Teninty, Step It Up Productions
Music Director, Killer Angels, directed by Matt Miler, Lifeline Theater
Musician, The Color Purple, directed by L. Walter Stearns, Mercury Theater
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, The Three Musketeers, directed by Amanda Delheimer Dimond, Lifeline Theater
Composer, Recorded Musician, Miss Neo Pageant, directed by Stephanie Shaw, Neo-Futurists
Composer, Music Director, Musician, Our City, Ourselves, directed by Megan Shuchman, A Red Orchid Theatere
Composer, Music Director, Recorded Musician, The Bear Suit Of Happiness, directed by Sean Kelly New Colony
Music Director, Orchestrator, Musician, Improbable Frequency, directed by Kyle Hamman, Strawdog Theatre
Musician, The Christmas Schooner, directed by L. Walter Stearns, Mercury Theater
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Then One Night, directed by Lacy Campbell, Chicago Lab & Urban Retreat
Composer, Music Director, Musician, Choosing To Be Here, directed by Megan Shuchman, Side Project
Composer, Music Director, Musician, 44 Plays For 44 Presidents, directed by Halena Kays, Neo-Futurists
Musician, Moby Dick, directed by Blake Montgomery, Building Stage
Music Director, Conmusical (reading), directed by Kate Staiger, American Demigods
Composer, Music Director, Musician, Love Thy Neighbor...Til It Hurts, directed by Megan Shuchman, 16th St Theater
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Life Finds A Way, directed by Joseph Schupbach, InGen Productions
Musician, Tick...Tick...BOOM!, directed by Adam Pelty, Porchlight Music Theatre
Composer, Sound Designer, The Duchess Of Malfi, directed by Brandon Bruce, Strawdog Theatre
Composer, Recorded Musician, The Sweetest Swing In Baseball, directed by Audrey Francis, Step It Up Productions
Music Director, 44 Plays For 44 Presidents, directed by Chole Johnson, Lake Forest College
Recorded Musician, The Petrified Forest, directed by Shade Murray, Strawdog Theatre
Musician (sub), The Nutcracker, directed by Tommy Rapley, House Theatre
Musician, The Christmas Schooner, directed by L. Walter Stearns, Mercury Theater
Musician, My Fair Lady, directed by Tommy Hinson, Moraine Valley Community College
Music Director, Escape, directed by P.J. Papperelli, American Theatre Company
Musician, Moby Dick, directed by Blake Montgomery, Building Stage
Composer, Recorded Musician, Be A Good Little Widow, directed by Anthony Mosely, Collaboraction
Music Director, Orchestrator, Musician, Purple Rain, directed by Dre Robinson, Neo-Futurists
Composer, Sound Designer, Recorded Musician, Words & Music, directed by Mike Przygoda, The Nine
Musician, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, directed by Craig Rosen, Moraine Valley Community College
Music Director, Musician, The Nutcracker, directed by Tommy Rapley, House Theatre
Sound Designer, The Water Engine, directed by Brian Golden, Theatre Seven
Composer, State Of The Union, directed by Geoff Buton, Strawdog Theatre
Music Director, Orchestrator, Red Noses, directed by Matt Hawkins, Strawdog Theatre
Recorded Musician, The Regulars, directed by Josh Zagorian, Hobo Junction
Composer, Music Director, The Good Soul Of Szechuan, directed by Shade Murray, Strawdog Theatre
Music Director, Orchestrator, Musician, Cabaret, directed by Matt Hawkins, The Hypocrites
Musician, Ghosts Of Treasure Island, direted by Amanda Delheimer Dimond, Adventure Stage Chicago
Music Director, Hip Hop Schoolhouse, directed by Dre Robinson, Studio One
Recorded Musician, Uncle Vanya, directed by Kimberly Senior, Strawdog Theatre
Musician (sub), All The Fame Of Lofty Deeds, directed by Tommy Rapley, House Theatre
Musician, Evil Dead: The Musical, directed by Craig Rosen, Moraine Valley Community College
Music Director, Musician, The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, directed by Lara Filip, Theatre Hikes
Musician, Baby: The Musical, directed by Lauren Rawitz, Metropolis Performing Arts Center
Music Director, Orchestrator, Red Noses, directed by Matt Hawkins, Strawdog Theatre
Recorded Musician, Rose & The Rime, directed by Nathan Allen, House Theatre
Musician, Beer, directed by Dan Kerr-Hobert, Neo-Futurists
Composer, Lyricist, Book, Music Director, Musician, Club Cobalt, directed by Alison Weiss, Annoyance THeatre
Assistant Sound Designer, Hana's Suitcase, directed by Sean Graney, Chicago Children's Theatre
Assistant Music Director, Musician, Old Town, directed by Kyle Hamman, Strawdog Theatre
Recorded Musician, The Diviners, directed byEmily Korff, Speaking Ring
Musician, West Side Story, directed by Stephanie Shaw, Columbia College Chicago
Musician, The Nutcracker, directed by Tommy Rapley, House Theatre
Recorded Musician, The Busy World Is HUshed, directed by Kimberly Senior, Next Theatre
Assistant Music Director, Recorded Musician, The Magnificents, directed by Molly Brennan, House Theatr
Composer, Music Director, Musician, 365 Days/365 Plays, directed by Justin Palmer, Next Theatre
Musician, Oklahoma!, directed by Damon Kiely, AMerican Theatre Company
Orchestrator, Recorded Musician, The Sparrow, directed by Nathan Allen, House Theatre
Composer, Music Director, Musician, Black Moxi, directed by Dre Robinson, Second City
Composer, Music Direcotr, Musician, Alive & Kicking It, directed by Kat Leahy & Lauren Van Kurin, Second City
Musician, Moby Dick, directed by Blake Montgomery, Building Stage
Recorded Musician, Dorian, directed by Tommy Rapley, Bailiwick
Recorded Musicain, The Boy Detective Fails, directed by Nathan Allen, House Theatre
Musician, Dustbowl Gothic, directed by Blake Montgomery, Building Stage
Musician, Ellen Under Glass, directed by Tommy Rapley, House Theatre
Musician, Valentine Victorious, directed by Dennis Watkins, House Theatre
Recorded Musician, AmeriKafka, directed by Kate Hendrickson, Trap Door
Composer, Music Director, Musician, Bold Print, directed by Pat McKenna, Second City
Composer, Recorded Musician, Tricks Of The Trade, directed by Becky Dopplett, Verona Productions
Composer, Music Director, Musician, The Best of Second City, directed by Greg Mills & Anne Libera, Second City
Composer, Music Director, Musician, The Unauthorized Musical Biography Of George Takei, directed by Marissa McKown, The Idealist Theatre
Musician, Enter: Alice, directed by MIkael Garver, Uma
Musician, Camille/La Traviata, directed by Sean Graney, The Hypocrites
Composer, Lyricist, Book, Music Director, Musician, Dear Mr. Record Executive, directed by Mike Przygoda, Columbia College Chicago